Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Motion Capture

I've spent about 10 hours so far working out some motion capture solutions for TAFE.  Over the Xmas break I created a pipeline for my own business to put mocap into my Solitairium game.  I thought the students might like to know how I did this so I rigged up a computer at TAFE made solely for mocap work.  I did a few tests on the last few days of semester 1 2014 and came up with a slightly ok version of mocap.  Pretty lossy, but the work flow allowed me to add any moves I wanted to a street fighter game we are working on within about 10 minutes.
This is great for students who aren't that great at animating.
Today I experimented with Brekel Pro and getting it to stream into Unity for real-time use.  I got the streaming working but the avatars are stretched - need to work out why.
Also being able to capture with only one camera causes shadows in the action like where to arm goes behind the back, meaning a lot of cleanup.
I think I'll use Brekel Pro for this semester and look into using iPiStudio next year which supports many camera.
If a camera is set up on one side at 45' and another on the right, iPiStudio can blend the two and pick up all the movement normally missed by just one camera. However it's costly - $300 for two kinects and $500 for the 2 cam version of iPiStudio.