Yesterday (20th March 2013) I started working on research for putting pathfinding, GUI and combat into Unity for the students. I worked from 2:30pm to 7:00pm then 7:30pm to 12:00am (10 hours -phew!) researching and developing software to allow the students to move enemy to find the player, GUI technology to show score, ammo and health on their display and then mount a gun and fire projectiles.
Below are some screen shots of the work.
Attached is the resource I developed.
This is part of the code to allow the enemy to find any object the student wants to drop into its properties. |
This is more of the code and is called every 3 seconds to relocate the player. |
Here is the path finding in action, using a Grid Graph to draw a path to the player. |
The student is instructed to attach a gun to the player, then add a nozzle displaced along the barrel to provide a launch point for the bullets. |
With the gun socketed to the player object and the projectile code in place the player can now loose off a few rounds. |
Using NGUI the student can easily customise their own UI to meter vital statistics in the game. |
Once the student has exported the font they want, they can the assign it to an Atlas map and place UI elements into the game. |